The main character in the fictional Drunk on Peace and Quiet is named Stella. She is fiery, packs a Pink Lady pistol, and is the stereotypical independent mountain woman. In reality, I coach middle school girls basketball and our last game was officiated messily (at least in my opinion). We lost after playing with a great deal of character (well, except for me, I cussed under my breath).
The aunt of one of our star players commented, “I thought they did a great job! And Becky I’m pretty sure I was seeing Stella come out in the varsity game!”
For a reader to bridge the gap between the fiction I write and the life I lead just tickled me to death. I am NO Stella. My answer. “The girls did an excellent job! [Stella would not have put up with that foolishness! She may have even shot somebody during a timeout!]”
Still chuckling even though the pain of losing remains…