This interview was broadcast by KBRW in Barrow, Alaska and was truly long distance! It was hosted by Bob Thomas from the studio in Barrow and Earl Finkler who was in Wisconsin. I was in our farmhouse in West Virginia.
Both men were so gracious – even though I was a nervous wreck, they led me kindly through the questions. We chatted about my time on the North Slope, about “Alaska Hoops” and about “Drunk on Peace and Quiet”. I may have misunderstood a question and left out many friends currently on the slope, but overall, I was pleased that I survived. I was so rattled that when Bob unexpectedly asked for an update on hubby Roger, I could barely remember who Roger was, but I came to my senses!
You can “listen live” to their broadcasting at the website,, anytime. When you think your weather is bad, check out the temperature and windchill for the North Slope of Alaska. (It was 27 above this morning!)
Great interview, Becky! I’m sure you’ll be bringing books to our class reunion but I might have to order mine before then. Can’t wait to read it!
Donnie and I both have Barrow on our phomes’ weather app so we occasionally check the weather there!
Oops! What can I say? Not quite 6am. That would be phones not phomes<whatever those are!!
Thank you! Will be sure to bring books to the reunion…looking forward to it.