It was nippy this morning, low 40’s, but there was a fun crowd at Bridge Day! We watched jumpers leap into nothingness (almost 900 feet high!) and glide with hang glider parachutes across the gorge and river to land on the beach. Some splashed near the beach or drug their feet through that cold water as they landed. My favorite was a little girl, maybe 10 years old, in a pink parka, who was visibly shaking on the edge of the bridge. She held her little guide chute high and jumped off. I couldn’t bear to watch. Another older girl approached the edge five times before she leaped to the delighted cheers of the crowd. Then there were confident spread eagle and back flipping adults. Wow! Dozens of vendors offered variety from deep fried peanut butter sandwiches to black “coal” candy to tie dyed ponchos. The air was festive on the bridge and had to be ecstatic under the bridge as jumpers landed successfully. I suspect this happens only in West Virginia!