Meade River School Class of '16

Meade River School Class of ’16

Lady Eagles - what a memorable basketball team they were!

Lady Eagles – what a memorable basketball team they were!

No matter how far away or how much time passes, friends are friends.

No matter how far away or how much time passes, friends are friends.

The first official book signing in Alaska was at Meade River School on the North Slope of Alaska.  I didn’t care if a single book sold, it was so wonderful to see students that have grown up so beautifully!  The current seniors were in fifth/sixth grade when I left so I did a lot of double takes – got names confused to the point that even I was worried about my sanity.  Parent-teacher conferences were going on at the same time and so was an ASTAC basketball contest, so the hallway was full of people and I sold far more books that expected.  Thank you to the community of Atqasuk for your warm “welcome back” and your continuing support!