by Becky Crabtree | Mar 5, 2016 | Dr. Dickason
The rough version of a biography of Dr. Henry Lake Dickason is finished! His life is inspirational. Writing it has consumed me in recent weeks and taught me so much about the realities of life on Peters Mountain. It will need tweaked and polished a hundred times...
by Becky Crabtree | Mar 4, 2016 | Farm Living
Lindside WV: In preparation for the spring lambing season, a stall in the red barn was emptied of hay this afternoon. Then, the wooden pallets on the floor (that kept the hay off the ground) were being packed up, when an angry little animal surprised one and all....
by Becky Crabtree | Feb 25, 2016 | Peterstown Basketball
Another basketball season has come and gone. Our two middle school teams were awesome. The younger girls were runners-up in their conference and the varsity girls won the championship! They may remember bits of the season as they become young adults. I hope they...
by Becky Crabtree | Feb 14, 2016 | Drunk on Peace and Quiet
Just heard from an Arizona book club member whose group read my Drunk on Peace and Quiet. Sounds like she enjoyed it. 🙂 Truth be told, there isn’t much peace and quiet in the book and no one gets drunk, but there are some memorable moments! Kinda like life,...
by Becky Crabtree | Feb 4, 2016 | Sundry Notes
My basketball team played a game tonight that we have prepared for and anticipated for weeks. Before the game, we had a moment of silence for one of our opponents and her friends because her father had just passed away. Both teams standing around the center circle,...
by Becky Crabtree | Jan 8, 2016 | Peterstown Basketball
The Lady Pirates of Peterstown Middle School played two fast and furious basketball games last evening at Summers County Middle School. Talented players took the floor for both teams. Both teams worked hard, the intensity and desire to win were quite obvious. I...
by Becky Crabtree | Dec 31, 2015 | Sundry Notes
Looking back over 2015 is a happy reflection for us. Grandchildren remained healthy and growing, Daughters and husbands are well. Teams won. Lambs were born, donkeys were bought and sold, and only one animal passed away (not counting chickens – rough year in...
by Becky Crabtree | Dec 25, 2015 | Alaska Hoops Coach
The main character in the fictional Drunk on Peace and Quiet is named Stella. She is fiery, packs a Pink Lady pistol, and is the stereotypical independent mountain woman. In reality, I coach middle school girls basketball and our last game was officiated messily (at...
by Becky Crabtree | Dec 19, 2015 | Farm Living
Christmas pictures that involve farm animals are not as easy as one might think! We had the wreath around the door of the coop but chickens would not come out! As Roger reminds me, “They ARE chicken.” Anyway, here are our girls in all their holiday...
by Becky Crabtree | Dec 7, 2015 | Sundry Notes
Great fun on Saturday in the Peterstown Middle School Gym! I sold books which was fun, but even more fun to talk to readers who had already read Drunk on Peace and Quiet and were purchasing more copies for gifts. Some wanted hints of what was going to happen in the...
by Becky Crabtree | Dec 2, 2015 | Drunk on Peace and Quiet
Goodreads Book Giveaway Drunk on Peace and Quiet by Becky Hatcher Crabtree Giveaway ends January 05, 2016. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway
by Becky Crabtree | Nov 27, 2015 | Sundry Notes
Mama’s Song is a WV story set in the rural community of Elgood, in Mercer County. I finished it a few weeks ago and enjoyed the local history and the powerful, ordinary people portrayed. It hooked me from the first sentence, ” Ten thousand years ago,...