Take my hand and let’s go back in time to southern West Virginia’s history; we’ll walk with Henry Lake, grandson of enslaved people, as he quenches his thirst for learning and becomes “somebody.” It was my great pleasure to piece together the life of a man who lived a bit before our time (I was 4 years old when he died) just around the mountain from us on Peters Mountain near Lindside, West Virginia. Henry Lake Dickason’s life, from a rough cabin to the President’s mansion at two colleges, was one of success in spite of the obstacles placed in his path by society. I was driven to tell his story, mostly because it was inspirational and partly because his story is not well-known even in his hometown. A reader commented recently that as she read Try and Be Somebody, she began turning each page gently, as though it was sacred. That’s the way I felt as I wrote.
Forget any notion you might have that mountain women are simple-minded, clingy, or wishy-washy. The Stella and Jonas Series prove all of these stereotypes wrong. Now the stories of Stella and her man, Jonas, have been mostly told, at least enough to fill a series of three books. (I am pretty proud of that!)
In the first book, Drunk on Peace and Quiet, Stella’s life unfolds, including her rotten brother, Timmy Lee. The old folks would surely say he is the “bane of her existence.” Jonas, then her boyfriend, also comes to life, along with the Inupiaq culture from his home in Alaska. The title sums up all Stella ever wants, that giddy feeling when everything is going along smooth-like.
The second book, Hungover with Grandma, tells about Stella and Jonas getting hitched and traveling to Alaska for a wild honeymoon where Stella and Jonas’ family get to lay eyes on one another. Eventually, Timmy Lee gets to meet Stella’s mother-in-law, too.
In Pick Your Poison, the final book (so far), Stella fights the devil pipeline company and goes on her first vacation with her husband. Timmy Lee, bad penny that he is, turns up throughout all the books and his karma is not good. But, that’s all I’m going to say about that.
I have been asked if Stella is real and I always answer, “Of course not!” She does have little bits of the personalities of people I have known and admired, people close to the land who think about things and are determined to handle their own problems head-on. They know who they are, right and wrong in their minds are black and white, and they know how to keep their mouths shut, remarkable qualities in our ever-changing world. I thought I was writing books to entertain and help readers escape but I ended up just sharing parts of real life in my mountains. Maybe that’s an escape for some of y’all. I hope so. If you have a question or a comment, holler at me in these electronic comments anytime.
And now, check out my blog for more information and updates.
Biography Writing Progress
The rough version of a biography of Dr. Henry Lake Dickason is finished! His life is inspirational. Writing it has consumed me in recent weeks and taught me so much about the realities of life on Peters Mountain. It will need tweaked and polished a hundred times...
[SNN] Sheep Network News
Lindside WV: In preparation for the spring lambing season, a stall in the red barn was emptied of hay this afternoon. Then, the wooden pallets on the floor (that kept the hay off the ground) were being packed up, when an angry little animal surprised one and all....
Spectacular Basketball Season Ends!
Another basketball season has come and gone. Our two middle school teams were awesome. The younger girls were runners-up in their conference and the varsity girls won the championship! They may remember bits of the season as they become young adults. I hope they...
Arizona Book Club
Just heard from an Arizona book club member whose group read my Drunk on Peace and Quiet. Sounds like she enjoyed it. 🙂 Truth be told, there isn't much peace and quiet in the book and no one gets drunk, but there are some memorable moments! Kinda like life, here,...
Reality Check
My basketball team played a game tonight that we have prepared for and anticipated for weeks. Before the game, we had a moment of silence for one of our opponents and her friends because her father had just passed away. Both teams standing around the center circle,...
The Joy of Basketball
The Lady Pirates of Peterstown Middle School played two fast and furious basketball games last evening at Summers County Middle School. Talented players took the floor for both teams. Both teams worked hard, the intensity and desire to win were quite obvious. I...
Ring in 2016!
Looking back over 2015 is a happy reflection for us. Grandchildren remained healthy and growing, Daughters and husbands are well. Teams won. Lambs were born, donkeys were bought and sold, and only one animal passed away (not counting chickens - rough year in the hen...
Stella may have appeared at local basketball game!
The main character in the fictional Drunk on Peace and Quiet is named Stella. She is fiery, packs a Pink Lady pistol, and is the stereotypical independent mountain woman. In reality, I coach middle school girls basketball and our last game was officiated messily (at...
It’s that time of year…
Christmas pictures that involve farm animals are not as easy as one might think! We had the wreath around the door of the coop but chickens would not come out! As Roger reminds me, "They ARE chicken." Anyway, here are our girls in all their holiday splendor. Plus,...
Peterstown Crafts Fair
Great fun on Saturday in the Peterstown Middle School Gym! I sold books which was fun, but even more fun to talk to readers who had already read Drunk on Peace and Quiet and were purchasing more copies for gifts. Some wanted hints of what was going to happen in the...