Another Award for “Pick Your Poison!”

Got this today: CONGRATULATIONS Finalists in the 2018-2019 Reader Views Literary Awards Program!! Tickled that my latest, Pick Your Poison, is a finalist in their Mystery/Thriller Category. Pleased that it was recognized at all Here’s their review: PICK YOUR POISON...

December Events

How quickly 2018 flew by!  And yet, how far away last spring seems in the evolution of the earth and our humble lives. Every beautiful day, every kindness, and even every conflict shapes growth, even in the construction of personality. My year is surely reflected in...

The Latest: Pick Your Poison

It’s that time!  The third novel in the Stella and Jonas series will be available this week! Titled Pick Your Poison, it continues the adventures of Stella alongside her hubby Jonas in the mountains of West Virginia. They are apprehensive about the reappearance...

Pick Your Poison

The third (and possibly final) book in the series which tells the story of WV mountain woman, Stella, and her man, Jonas, is nearly complete! Images are in place, the manuscript has been edited several times, and the cover is currently being designed. I am hopeful...

I See the Light!

The third book in the Stella and Jonas series is nearly finished! I say that knowing there will be dozens of more hours spent editing and formatting, but the end is near. The story is coming to a close and I think Stella is happy. She has been a great companion and...

My friend, Mary Ross

Miss Mary Mary Beatrice Hargro Ross, my good friend,  passed away the day after her 87th birthday, back in January.  I had known her for nearly forty years. Her health failed suddenly.  Mary was one of the few people still with us who had known Dr. H.L.Dickason, the...

Bluefield Daily Telegraph Article

I am very grateful for this wonderful article written by Charles Boothe and published Saturday, Dec. 30, 2017.  The interview was delightful and his writing was spot on. Local author writes book about Dr. Henry Lake Dickason, former BSC president By CHARLIE BOOTHE...

Dr. Dickason Links

Want to find out more about Dr. Dickason, the subject of my latest, Try and Be Somebody? Check out these links:

Fall Book Signings

The evening air cools down quickly these days as the sun retreats below the mountains.  Brightly colored maple leaves carpet our yard and the football announcer can be heard as we drive through Peterstown on Saturday nights. Fall is here! I look forward to the whirl...